
Courses Developed by NOWRA
Courses Developed by NOWRA State Affiliates


Top quality education at your fingertips
NOWRA’s Installer Academy Online makes it easier for you to obtain high quality onsite wastewater training by bringing the classes to you! It’s a great option for industry professionals and regulators when:

·        You are unable to attend in-person training events

·        You want to train new employees quickly

·        You are a few CEUs short for professional license renewal

·        You need to better understand onsite wastewater fundamentals

Courses have been developed by respected industry professionals from academia, engineering, soil science and contracting. Each course offers a dynamic mix of classroom lectures, external videos and required readings, along with periodic tests of your knowledge. When you pass a course, you get a personalized Certificate of Completion which can be used as continuing education documentation.

© Wisconsin Onsite Water Recycling Association
PO Box 833, Germantown, WI 53022
phone: 888-782-6815 - fax: 888-287-4116 - email:

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