POWTS Basics – February 7, 14, and 21
POWTS Design – February 17, 24
3:00 p.m. – 5:45 p.m.
Presented Via Zoom (Internet Connection Required)
Attend One Session or All Five!!
This program is for Plumbing Learners, Plumbing Apprentices, Master/Journeyman Plumbers, Master/Journeyman Plumbers Restricted Service, POWTS Inspectors, Soil Testers or anyone who want to become licensed in any of these categories. This program builds the basic and intermediate POWTS knowledge that YOU need to be at your best – for your exam or in the field.
POWTS Basics – Presented on Three Consecutive Mondays
February 7 Septic System Basics and POWTS Regulations in Wisconsin
February 14 Basic Soils for POWTS
February 21 POWTS Installation & Troubleshooting
POWTS Design – Presented on Two Consecutive Thursdays
February 17 Basic POWTS Plans and Design
February 24 Pressure Distribution and Mound Systems Designs
Continuing Education Credits (3.0 hours per session) will be available for the following:
- JM Plumber
- JM Plumber-Restricted (S)
- Master Plumber
- MP Restricted (S)
- POWTS Inspector
- POWTS Maintainer
- Soil Tester
- Commercial Plumbing Inspect
Your instructor is CeCe Rudnicki, a DSPS Wastewater Specialist.
$15 per session - WOWRA Members
$25 per session - Non-Members
Includes class and handouts.
Registration deadline is two days prior to each session. No cancellations/refunds.
Class size is limited so register soon!
Attendees should have the applicable codes and component manuals, which are not included. Contact WOWRA for information about ordering.
Attendees should also have a calculator, pencil, and engineering scale.